
Adrian Forbes | "I would say the future is quite bright"

Professional Player Development boss Adrian Forbes was impressed by the performance he oversaw in the draw against Biggleswade Town yesterday.


Up against a physical, senior team in the Waders, the Hatters went ahead twice with goals from Ben Stevens and Callum Nicolson, before the home side hit back on both occasions.

Reflecting on the performance, Forbes said: “I think first and foremost it was great to have the opportunity for the development group to play against the likes of Biggleswade Town. It is obviously quite a young group that we have got so from a development point of view, it is a fantastic game.

“That also linked to the performance and the game plan that we had coming into the game, we knew we were going to be smaller than them, so we knew we had to pass and move the ball with quality and keep the ball on the floor, which I think we did. What really impressed me was the fact that the boys stuck to the process, they stuck to the game plan and ultimately that led to two good goals, one good finish by Ben Stevens and then Callum Nicolson scoring a penalty.

“I think if you look at it overall, really good performance with lots to take away and if you look at the group that have got 16-year-olds, 17-year-olds and 18-year-olds, I think it bodes well with what we’re trying to do as a club. I would say the future is quite bright!”

Although it is more about player development than winning a match, Forbes did feel as if the players deserved that, after conceding a late equaliser at the Yvette Brewer Stadium.

“That is the disappointment. You look at how well they did play and for me, the lads deserved the win for the performance they put in but that is football. We will go back, look at it, analyse it, look at what we could have done differently to stop the two goals going in, we will go to the training ground, and we will work on it for sure.

“Hopefully our next game in a week or so, we can put those mistakes right and take the group forward again. Great learning for them, and that is what the development group is about, it says it in the term. There will be plus points, there will be areas for development and that is what we’re here to do.”

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