

The Hatters Community Trust Staff  'walked on water' last week to raise funds for Keech Hospice, who provide care for local chuldren with life limiting conditions.


Well, not quite walk on water, but all of the Trust's staff  committed to covering the same distance on foot as the English Channel is wide in 5 days. That's around 45 kms or 27 miles OR 54,000 steps to cover the distance between Dover and Calais.

Starting last Sunday, the 22 staff members achieved an amazing overall total of 1,240,775 steps in reaching their initial target of 1,118,000 steps - that's a total of 620 miles against the target of 594 miles.

The Hospice's children’s service supports families from across Beds, Herts and Milton Keynes who have a child or young person diagnosed with a life-limiting condition. Care is not just provided at the hospice itself but in the hospital, school, care or family home – wherever support is needed the most and the Hospice children’s service consists of an in-patient unit, community nursing team, day support and supportive care team, all of whom support both child and family at times of crisis and when a child needs specialist care from day to day.

Hatters Head of Trust Kevin Thoburn commented: "Fantastic effort from the staff who on average have walked, jogged or ran around 25 miles since Sunday, and especially from those with young families this has meant juggling the kids between fundraising and family. We just hope now everyone recognises all of our staff's efforts to raise much needed funds for the Hospice."

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