The group have designed some thought-provoking artwork with around 600 straws that we were unable to recycle or use here on a matchday.
As recognition of their on-going work to ‘be green’ and support environmental initiatives, we presented each pupil at the match with one of our new “Luton Town FC Community Champion Award” badges.
John Miller, Supporter Liaison Officer and Sascha Gustard-Brown, Head of Supporter & Community Engagement were on hand to present the children with a special pin badge and certificate recognising their enthusiasm and commitment to such an important issue.
Huge congratulations to the Beech Hill pupils for being the first recipients of this award – it’s well-deserved.
Nominate your community champions!
The Community Champion award is a brand-new scheme which will see the Club recognising community spirited achievements of Junior Hatters across Luton and Bedfordshire.
If you know a deserving young person or group of young people who are going above and beyond to improve their community, we’d love to hear from you.
Send us an email to [email protected] to tell us all about the young person, explaining why you think they should be acknowledged along with any supporting photos to support your nomination.