To make sure that everyone in the ground is safe, and are able to enjoy themselves, there are a few regulations:
You don't need permission to bring a flag into the ground if it is not bigger than 4' x 3' in size. Handheld flags are generally fine as long as they aren't any bigger than this size.
If the flag is bigger than 4' x 3' you'll need to contact us so that we can ensure that the flag is to be hung somewhere appropriate. Please email the club Fan Engagement Officer Lisa McEvoy; [email protected]
With small, handheld flags, it's best if the handle is plastic and or on fairly thin dowling (no broomhandles please!)
Fire Retardant Material
Flags that are larger than 4' x 3' have to be fire retardant. Before we can allow the flag into the ground, we'll need to see a valid fire safety certificate.
Message suitability
The Club will not accept any flags that could be considered in any way abusive, overtly political, defamatory, enticing racial hatred or any other kind of discrimination. We reserve the right to remove any flags that stewards or club officials consider to be inappropriate.