Club information

Charity Partnerships

Stepping Stones charity partnership

Luton Town Football Club works closely with carefully selected official charity partners, helping to raise awareness and funds for important and valuable local causes.

In previous years, we have worked with Level Trust, Signposts, Luton Foodbank, Kids in Action and Luton and Dunstable Hospital's Neonatal Intensive Care Unit to promote their activities and messages in the local community, sharing the reach and resources of the Club.

During the 2023/24 season, we partnered with NOAH Enterprise, helping the Luton-based charity that works across Bedfordshire to support those experiencing homelessness and severe poverty raise vital funds and awareness of their projects.

For 2025 we have selected Stepping Stones, a Luton-based organisation, initially established as a small CIC (Community Interest Company) in 2008 before becoming registered as a charity in 2015, dedicated to helping women and their children create happier, healthier lives.

The charity supports women to overcome the difficulties associated with one or a combination of the following circumstances: being victims of domestic abuse, involvement with the Criminal Justice System, involvement with Children’s Services, suffering from substance misuse/addiction and/or mental health issues.

Club Charity of the Year 2025 - Stepping Stones

We are delighted to announce that Stepping Stones has been selected as Luton Town’s club charity of the year for 2025.

Stepping Stones is a Luton-based organisation, initially established as a small CIC (Community Interest Company) in 2008 before becoming registered as a charity in 2015, dedicated to helping women and their children create happier, healthier lives.

The charity supports women to overcome the difficulties associated with one or a combination of the following circumstances: being victims of domestic abuse, involvement with the Criminal Justice System, involvement with Children’s Services, suffering from substance misuse/addiction and/or mental health issues.

Stepping Stones supports around 250-300 women each year, but with a lengthy waiting list is hoping to build capacity to help more women from Luton and Central Bedfordshire by providing hope and the skills and resources to make positive life choices.

Charlie Lockley, Stepping Stones CEO, said: “We offer a range of one-to-one support and programmes, and every woman who walks through our door has a different need – they are at a different stage of their journey, so it’s not one size fits all.

“We work very closely with the woman to understand what her needs are and work with her to come up with a plan for empowerment, so she can get her life back and build positive outcomes for herself and her family.

“We are really excited about this partnership. Luton Town Football Club has a very positive image in the community and is a football club that really promotes right from wrong.

“We know that there is unfortunately a correlation between football matches and domestic abuse, and that abuse will increase during tournaments, so it’s a really positive connection that we can make.

“If Luton Town can speak up about domestic abuse and how wrong it is, then we believe that is going to help our women, help raise awareness and maybe help people call each other out on it. If we can just stop one fan going home and being abusive to his partner, then that’s got to be a good thing.

“One in four women suffer abuse at some point in their lives, and one in six men. If we can do something to make people more aware of that, along with the red flags and the things that might give rise to it, and also empower them with some tools and techniques to get their lives back, that’s got to be a good thing.”

A group from the football club recently visited Stepping Stones’ headquarters in George Street West to see some of the fantastic work the staff there undertake.

Alongside commercial director Chris Bell, fan engagement officer Lisa McEvoy and Stuart Hammonds and Luke Gregory from the media team were Luton Town Ladies captain Elly Wade and Carlton Morris, currently skippering the men’s first team in the absence of Tom Lockyer.

Elly said: “This is such an incredible place doing so much for women especially around Luton, and also their children. For me it’s been a humbling experience, just being here and listening to the things that you maybe know occur, but you maybe don’t know how often, the signs, the triggers. It’s been enlightening and eye opening to be a part of it.

“I feel proud, especially being a female and being part of Luton Town Ladies and knowing that Luton Town are going to be partnering with Stepping Stones for 2025. I think it’s going to be a great boost both for the club, for women and hopefully we can help raise money, awareness and education; all that Stepping Stones need for 2025.”

Carlton added: “With a new charity partnership, it’s important for us to do more than just what we can do on the football pitch, and that’s to try to affect this community in a positive way.

“Speaking to Charlie and the team here at Stepping Stones, we are learning some really powerful stuff and to think that the club, and us representatives for the club, can make a difference is massive.

“I had questions of my own to be honest, because you don’t really know what you are looking for. It could be someone you don’t expect, and I think it’s important to raise that awareness and help people.

“They do some incredible work here. They were just explaining to us some of the stuff they do behind the scenes and it’s not something I was aware of before, but I am now and I’m proud for this football club to be a part of it.”

To find out more about Stepping Stones and their work, please visit

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To donate to the charity, please click HERE.

Beds Prostate Cancer Support Group

This season the Luton Town Supporters’ Trust have taken on the task of identifying the Supporters’ Charity of the Year.

With the help of their members, they were given a mandate to choose the Beds Prostate Cancer Support Group (BPCSG) as the charity for this season.

This was in light of the prostate cancer diagnosis given to LTFC legend Mick Harford, which he currently undergoing treatment for. As supporters, there is a will to do something that might help make a difference regarding this awful disease, and to help a local charity connected to prostate cancer.

The aim of the BPCSG is to increase awareness of prostate cancer, as well as to support and offer advice to men and families who have been diagnosed with the disease.

To get the fundraising ball rolling, Trust board member Nikki Middleton is going to run the Love Luton 10k this Sunday. Nikki is not a runner but is undertaking the challenge to raise much needed funds for a very worthy charity.

If you would like to make a donation of support direct to BPCSG then you can do that by clicking HERE.

For more information on BPCSG you can click on their website HERE.